3 Ways to Make A Difference This Memorial Day

US flag in upper left corner, wrapped around the words

Memorial Day is coming up fast!

Maybe you already have plans for a family BBQ or a day at the beach, but it's important to remember that it's, above all, a day to honor our Veterans.

If you're not already completely booked this weekend, check out a few ways you can really make a difference this Memorial Day.

Talk with A Veteran

Have a relative who's a Veteran? Plan a visit with them this weekend and just sit down and talk with them.

Don't know anyone personally who's a Veteran? Write a letter instead.

Visit A National Cemetery Or A Historical Monument

Take time to visit a national cemetery and pay your respects. You could even visit a historical monument to learn more about the past and feel a sense of connection with what happened long ago.

Make A Donation or Volunteer

There are many non-profit organizations that accept donations to help Veterans and their families.

Some organizations may benefit more from your time rather than your money, so getting out there and volunteering can be a great way to help out! (Volunteering can also be a great way to get out and socialize.)

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