5 All-Natural Joint Pain Tips | Arthritis Relief

5 All-Natural Joint Pain Tips | Arthritis Relief

Joint pain is a common condition that can affect people of all ages. Although many people can develop it from a genetic predisposition, most people can still take small steps in order to help soothe the discomfort.

This can involve a dual-action approach of a more balanced diet and an increase in physical activity in order to help lose weight and build strength.

In today's blog, we're discussing our top 5 natural alternatives to try. Keep reading to learn more!

1. Hot and cold therapy

This ancient method is one of the simplest, yet most effective, natural joint pain remedies. Many people who live in cold climates still use this method as a result.

It works by combining a hot bath while applying an ice pack on your joints for a few minutes. People who live in cold climates take this to the next level and often combine sauna treatments with ice-cold baths for joint pain relief. 

2. Magnesium sulfate soak

Magnesium sulfate is found in Epsom salt and can be a great natural alternative when trying to minimize joint pain. If you want to try the solution for yourself, you will need to add ½ cup of Epsom salt to a bowl of warm water, then soak your hand for several minutes.

Alternatively, you can try a salt bath, but you would need to increase the salt quantity to get the full benefits of the high magnesium content.

3. Omega-3 fatty acids

Including Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet should be one of your top priorities if you want to prevent joint pain. You should consider a diet rich in these fatty acids as a prevention measure rather than a treatment solution. Add foods such as salmon, walnuts, and leafy greens to your diet to increase your intake. 

If you can`t get the daily required intake from your foods, you could also take a high quality Omega-3 supplement.

4. Strength training

Strength training has been proven to help you build stronger joints. Although it is not a solution when you are in pain, it can be a good alternative to balance the bio-mechanics between your muscles and joints, and it can also prevent stiff joints.

Strength training can also help to improve your posture, which is essential for joint pain relief.

5. Lose weight

Extra weight can be one of the biggest causes of joint pain. Unlike many other conditions that can even develop from a hereditary source, extra weight is in your control and losing it will directly lead to less pressure on your joints, such as the knees.

However, in order to lose weight without inflicting extra pain on your knees, you can start your exercise routine by cycling, instead of running, or rowing instead of jumping rope.

This will significantly reduce the stress on your joints, which can lead to inflammation, especially at the beginning of the weight loss process.



*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results not typical. Individual results may vary.

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