5 Ideas for Celebrating Mother’s Day

5 Ideas for Celebrating Mother’s Day

“Mother is the heartbeat in the home; and without her, there seems to be no heartthrob.” —Leroy Brownlow


Mother’s Day is a day where you get to celebrate just how amazing your first true best friend is. It may sound cliché, but many mothers will always tell you that they don’t need anything when it comes to gifts. Is that really true, though? Time is a gift all in itself - time spent with you and the family they helped create. I’m sure she also wouldn’t mind a chance to recharge!

If that sounds like your mother, don’t worry! If time is what she wants, gather the family together and enjoy the day with one (or more) of these simple ideas!


  1. Pizza Party

No matter how old you get, you can’t go wrong with a pizza party. Make sure Mom is first to pick though when it comes to toppings! Either make the dough homemade or purchase it at your local store. Get the family together and see who can make the best pizza.


  1. Trip down Memory Lane

Many families have VHS tapes and photo albums laying around. Ask Mom where they are laying around and spend the day/night going through them all. The smile your mom will have as you listen to all of the memories she was able to capture as you grew up will be worth it. It’ll probably get emotional, so bring the tissues!


  1. Create a playlist

With how many songs are out there nowadays, there are bound to be a few that remind you of your mom. Get together a playlist of songs that she loves and songs that remind you of her. Spend the day listening to them while you’re driving with her, during dinner, or just in the background.


  1. Farmers Market Trip

A walk in the sun while browsing through an assortment of products can be just what you both need. Purchase produce that can work for the meal of your mom’s choice and take it home to cook! Don’t forget the wine!


  1. Picnic

This can be done in the comfort of your own backyard or at a park. You can make it nostalgic by going to a park that she brought you to as a child. Pack some of her favorite snacks and drinks along with her favorite picnic-appropriate meal. Don’t forget to grab her some flowers on the way that she can take home afterward!


There is always the option to do the steady and true gifts as well - let her sleep in, bring her breakfast in bed, clean the house, etc.

Whatever it is you decide to do for Mother’s Day, make sure Mom knows just how much you appreciate her.

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