Show A Little Kindness

#bekind written on a sticky note

There's been a lot going on in the world recently, and with so much craziness, a simple act of kindness can go a long way.

Showing kindness doesn't have to be complicated. In fact, it's easier than you think. Spend your time today by spreading kindness and a little sunshine into the world.

Here are some easy ways to spread happiness with a simple gesture:

  • Give someone a compliment.
  • Offer to lend a listening ear.
  • Help a stranger.
  • Remind your loved ones just how much they mean to you.
  • Write inspirational quotes and hand them out.
  • Volunteer your time to help people in need.
  • Ask someone how they're genuinely feeling and listen to them.
  • Carry someone’s groceries or heavy boxes.
  • Donate your unwanted items.
  • Leave your change for someone else who may need it.
  • Buy flowers and hand them out to strangers.
  • Just smile.

It could take the slightest wave or a simple smile to turn someone’s bad day around. When you go out today, remember that kindness matters.


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