Not getting enough sleep can cause a multitude of problems for your body. Below are just a few reasons that a proper sleep cycle is key to a happy and healthy body.
1.) When you aren't getting enough sleep, you may be at higher risk for obesity. Not only does it make it harder to find the energy to exercise, but people who don’t get enough sleep tend to eat more calories because they are looking for energy in food.
2.) Lack of sleep can make it difficult to be productive, concentrate, or perform at a higher standard. It has also been linked to a decrease in physical speed, accuracy, and reaction times.
3.) Poor sleep can take its toll on your health over time. Some of these risk factors are as severe as heart disease and strokes.
4.) Sleeping disorders and not getting good quality sleep can affect your mental health as well, about 90% of people with depression have also reported having sleeping problems.
5.) Better sleep can help with reduced inflammation in the body, a boosted immune system, and a better mood overall.
Skin - If you have noticed that you’re breaking out more than usual, this could be a sign of lack of sleep. This is because sleep helps to control your body's hormones.
Eyes - Another easy telltale that you’re not getting enough rest is how your eyes look in the morning, if they are swollen, red, puffy, or have bags under them that is a good sign.
Caffeine - Feeling like you need more and more caffeine throughout the day could be another sign that you’re not sleeping enough or getting good quality sleep. Your body is trying to make up for the lack of energy with caffeine.
Mood – Lack of sleep can take its toll on your mood, causing you to feel more stress, anger, depression, and brain fog.
Health – If you have a medical condition that is interfering with your sleep, you could be waking up with a sore throat, dry mouth, or a headache. This could be the cause of heartburn, sleep apnea, or heavy breathing.
Your body needs to be relaxed for it to fall asleep and continue to sleep throughout the night.
Magnesium triggers the part of the nervous system that is responsible for calming your body at the end of the day. It does this by sending a signal to the brain and nervous system.
This mineral has another important role, which is monitoring your melatonin levels. The hormone melatonin regulates night and day cycles in the body.
Magnesium also aids in helping calm down the nervous system, which in turn helps to prepare the mind and body for rest.
Outback Magnesium+ is an all-natural, daily supplement to help reduce sleep problems over-time. It is not a temporary fix to those sleepless nights.
Outback Magnesium+ works so well, because the proprietary blend of all natural ingredients drastically improves the uptake of magnesium absorption. This daily supplement also includes some natural herbs that help with the additional benefits of mood support, muscle relaxation, and migraine relief.
10 Reasons Why Good Sleep Is Important:
Signs You Aren't Getting Enough Sleep:
How Magnesium Can Help You Sleep: