5 Tips for Spring Cleaning

5 Tips for Spring Cleaning


It’s that time of year again. The sun is out more and more each day lifting your spirits and you are ready for your home to bloom again. Here are some quick tips to make your spring cleaning as painless as possible this year.

Make a list

Before you break out the cleaning supplies, take a walk around the house and make a project list. If your list looks intimidating, pick out a few easy things to do first and get a win or two under your belt. You’ll boost your morale when you start crossing things off that list.

Turn off Fans and Close Windows

The fresh spring weather will make you want to open windows, resist the urge. While you are cleaning you want to keep pollen and dust from ruining the jobs you’ve already finished. Not to mention, a stiff breeze is the natural enemy of a broom and dust pan. Oh, and don’t forget to dust your fan blades now that it's off!

Always Clean from Top Down

There’s nothing worse than vacuuming and mopping a room only to remember you haven’t dusted yet! Start at the top of the room and clean downward to make sure you aren’t making more work for yourself later. And who wants to clean the same thing twice!

Go Room by Room

Cleaning every square foot of your home can seem daunting at first. But if you break the larger project into bite sized projects you’ll find it’s easier to imagine finishing. Making achievable goals and milestones for your spring clean is vital!

Take Breaks and Drink Water

You might be surprised how sore and tired cleaning can make you feel. Repetitive motion and awkward body positions can cause pain in muscles and joints. When you feel yourself starting to hurt, take a break for a while. You set the schedule, so take care of yourself. You can enjoy the hard work you put in without pushing your body past your comfort levels. Even if it takes a bit longer to finish. It’s easy to lose track of time and get dehydrated, so be sure and take water breaks, you’ll have earned it!


Keep these tips in mind and enjoy your fresh clean home!



American Psychological Association: Goal setting as a means of increasing motivation

Today.com: 15 tips from professional house cleaners that we're stealing right now

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